Meet the residents
The animals that call Vrouva Farm their forever home, would like to introduce themselves on this page.
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Bebis was born in 2018. He is still so very young and also a newcomer to the farm. When he arrived, he had a bad skin condition and missed his mom a lot. Slowly, he is adjusting and is starting to be healthier and happier.

Bouriko came to Vrouva with a broken leg. We see him adjust and enjoying life. We are looking into finding a brace for his broken leg that will help him walk with more ease. He is a very clever donkey. He knows how to open gates and he used to let all the other animals out too until we started “Bouriko-proofing” our gates. He also does this amazing acrobatic thing where he stands on his back legs to reach the branches of the olive trees for some delicious treats.

There are many cats at Vrouva who have been rescued from hopeless situations and believe that they now rule the place. Many of them really enjoy life at the farm but some would like to have their own home.

the Chickens
Most of our hens and roosters belong to a traditional breed so they have a big variability in colours and temperaments. Our goal is to manage to remember the names of each one if our feathery friends.

Cobra joined Vrouva in the hot and harsh summer of 2021. Retired carriage horse, she could not be sold due to a skin infection and her owner couldn’t keep her . Sadly,we were her only option. While we were hesitant to accept her because of a shortage of funds and space at the farm, her kindness and her beauty have made us very happy we did .She is such a wonderful girl!

Demetra (or Zouboulia as some like to call her) was a working donkey from the nearby village of Mesagros. She was brought to Vrouva Farm by her owner for retirement. Here she was reunited with her lovely sister with who she had been separated for nearly 20 years.
The two sisters , Demetra and Artemis spent 4 happy, inseparable years together, enjoying the good life and each other’s company.
Demetra is blind in one eye and her sister was her companion, her security and her lighthouse.
Sadly at the end of 2022, Artemis passed away leaving Demetra heartbroken and disoriented.
As time passes she is adjusting but it would be nice if she could find another donkey friend to rely on. We wish this for her with all our hearts.

Each of our dogs arrives with its’ own sad story. At Vrouva they find comfort and joy and can leave that old life behind. Most of our dogs have found their forever home at the farm, some however would love to have their own loving family.

Elpida (hope)
Elpida is the first rescue cow to be rescued from a slaughterhouse in Greece. Her rescuer spent a lot of time and effort in keeping her alive and also in assuring her safe arrival at Vrouva Farm. Elpida, herself, thinks she is totally worth all this effort. She definitely knows she is special and gets away with mischief all the time. Her favourite thing to do is knock over her water bowl every time it gets filled up! Even though she can be cheeky at times, the deep love, joy, affection and peace that she lends to the farm can easily make your day!

the Goats
Our goats are Olive, Beauty and her daughter Irene. Two of them are wild goat mixes and the third is a domestic breed. All three are very close friends and always plan their (many) mischievous games together.

She is an absolute darling! Smart, friendly and so very cute, she has us all at her beck and call. We try not to show how smitten we are so as not to make Suzie jealous.

Lakis was abandoned in a garbage dump when he was still a young foal. He was rescued by an animal lover and taken to a dog shelter. He spent the first two years of his life among dogs and he is more comfortable with them and with humans than with his own kind. Thankfully, our black mare Cobra has taken him under her wing and is patiently teaching him the ways of the herd.
Lakis is beautiful, affectionate and quite a trickster at times!

Manolis and Jina
Manolis ended up in Vrouva because of his ‘bad’ character. Jina is young, kind, beautiful and friendly with all. She was just a temporary resident at the farm but when she fell in love with Manoli, we all agreed to have her stay. The two are inseparable and love each other very much!

Shauna and Alexis
Shauna and Alexis arrived in the spring of 2024 at Vrouva after a big rescue operation in Andros, Greece.
The rescue adventure was filled with challenges - peril, injury, and long journeys across mountains and sea - but it ultimately showcased love, determination, and resilience. A big thank you to Constance, Greek Animal Rescue and everyone else involved. Shauna and Lexy are enjoying the farm very much and for us it is a joy to give them the best life possible.

the Sheep
The first 2 sheep, Ashka and Buck, came to Vrouva Farm in 2012. Nionios and Azur are their offspring and were born at the farm. Theodora, the black sheep of the family (literally!), was exchanged for 3 sacks of corn and was heading for the oven when a kind-hearted volunteer intervened and saved her. Our sheep are a very tightly knit and loving family. They have a calming effect on the whole farm and are still quite weary of humans.

Suzy was also saved from a slaughterhouse. Her rescuer brought her to the farm after neighbours complained. We love to take care of Suzy. She has a strong character and loves to play pranks. At Vrouva she has made many new friends and enjoys sharing her land with the chickens.

Tzanis was born in 1991. He worked all his life as a carriage horse and gained the nickname “Kilometer Counter” because of his hard work and endurance. When he retired, Alia, his guardian angel, spotted him in a field struggling to eat the hard, dry grass and brought him to the farm. Since then, our mission at Vrouva has been to help him gain some weight! He is a calm and gentle old grandad and can sometimes still be weary of humans that he is unfamiliar with.

Our little donkey, Bebis, has a new girlfriend, Vaya. She is beautiful, kind and smart and Bebis is very happy!